[kde-freebsd] MySQL55 (Akonadi) bites other ports

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jan 29 14:45:15 UTC 2012

"tom at diogunix.com" <tom at diogunix.com> writes:

> May I assume Akonadi will work with MySQL 5.1 as well as with MySQL 5.5 ?
> Then I'll try that to get my Desktop fully functional again :-)

I think so. Akonadi itself just uses the MySQL database driver from Qt,
and I really doubt Qt requires such a recent version of MySQL.

> Though, there's the question left on how new installations of KDE could be
> made easier as probably most people would run into the same issue. That's
> why I found it better if people get asked on which MySQL version they want
> ...

Hmm, wouldn't the same thought apply to other ports that depend on MySQL and
just use the default version in the ports system?

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