[kde-freebsd] phonon, xine, what to do...

Alberto Villa avilla at freebsd.org
Tue Feb 28 14:26:53 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 28 February 2012 15:19:29 Olivier Smedts wrote:
> On the 2011/10/13, avilla said about the phonon xine backend "we're
> not going to remove it, don't worry. ;)". I'm not blaming anyone, I
> was just surprised to see the phonon-xine backend flagged BROKEN so
> soon after.

We weren't expecting a XINE API breakage...

> I just wonder why it doesn't crash for others... the problem seems to
> be specific to the FreeBSD vlc port, or it depends on the OPTIONS I
> (un)selected.

Please, try building VLC with DBUS option enabled.
Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avilla at FreeBSD.org>

In the Halls of Justice the only justice is in the halls.
		-- Lenny Bruce
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