[kde-freebsd] problem compiling qt33

Robert Huff roberthuff at rcn.com
Thu Aug 9 17:01:16 CEST 2007

JoaoBR <joao at matik.com.br> writes:

>> >  >>  You could try removing that, recompile and reinstall devel/qmake
>> >  >>  and then try x11-toolkits/qt33 again.
>>         I commented this
>> CPUTYPE?= p4
>>         out of make .conf and tried again.
>>         No luck.
>>         Rebuilt qmake.
>>         No luck.
>	I am not sure if -rR is a good idea. I havn't read this thread
>from beginning so I don't know if already said or this helps but
>you perhaps consider upgrading portupgrade first and if you did it
>you should try portupgrade-devel

huff@>> dir /var/db/pkg/ | grep portu
drwxr-xr-x    2 root  wheel       512 Aug  7 07:54 portupgrade-devel-2.3.1

>						and then portupgrade -v qt without
>other flags and see what it complains.

	I am curious as to why you think there is a problem with
portupgrade, which seems to behave according to specification, and
not with the qt port when the observed error is with the
compile/link phase.

>							 Then if there is still a
>problem you try upgrading first the dependencies and at the end qt

	Isn't that what "portupgrade -R" is supposed to cover?

>		Perhaps you check also if there are two qt versions in your
>db and pkg_delete one of it and/or run pgkdb -F or -L first.

huff@>> dir /var/db/pkg/ | grep qt
drwxr-xr-x    2 root  wheel       512 Aug  7 07:54 qt-3.3.8_4

				Robert Huff

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