D28128: Add force save behavior to KEntryMap

Benjamin Port noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Mar 23 20:06:03 GMT 2020

bport planned changes to this revision.
bport added inline comments.


> dfaure wrote in kconfigtest.cpp:1965
> This would pass no matter in which file the write happened, no, due to caching?
> Doesn't this need a generalLocal.reparseConfiguration() to be meaningful?

yes indeed

> dfaure wrote in kconfigtest.cpp:1970
> Hmm, so this is what this is all about?
> This contradicts the documentation for revertToDefault().
> - Reverts the entry with key @p key in the current group in the
> - application specific config file to either the system wide (default)
> - value or the value specified in the global KDE config file.
> The value in the global config file is 10, that's what this is supposed to revert to.

This is a global local file, not system wide and so not considered as default
cf. https://lxr.kde.org/source/frameworks/kconfig/src/core/kconfig.cpp#0702
if the entry is set system wide 

It will be reverted to the default value specified in the file

  R237 KConfig


To: bport, ervin, dfaure, meven, crossi, hchain
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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