D22143: Add proper logging using ECMQtDeclareLoggingCategory

Méven Car noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Jun 28 18:09:33 BST 2019

meven added inline comments.


> kossebau wrote in CMakeLists.txt:19
> As we want to reuse the source files also with the tests, better store in a separate var here, e.g. named `KActivitiesStats_LOG_SRCS`.
> And add this manually to KActivitiesStats_LIB_SRCS and for the test as commented above:
>   ecm_qt_declare_logging_category(KActivitiesStats_LOG_SRCS
>                                   HEADER kactivities-stat-logsettings.h
>                                   IDENTIFIER KACTIVITY_STAT_LOG
>   CATEGORY_NAME kf5.kactivity.stat)
>   list(APPEND KActivitiesStats_LIB_SRCS ${KActivitiesStats_LOG_SRCS})

Do you have a suggestion how to share the variable between the two CMake files ?
I tried moving the ecm_qt_declare_logging_category to the top level CMake but then I don't know how to share them with the children dirs.
I read about PARENT_SCOPE but the problem still stands scope-wise.
Or should I convert the add_subdirectory to include ones ? This would need other changes.

  R159 KActivities Statistics


To: meven, ivan, #frameworks
Cc: kossebau, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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