gcode.xml got into KF5::KTextEditor without review

Sven Brauch mail at svenbrauch.de
Sat Mar 5 00:12:28 UTC 2016

Hey Alexander,

Thanks for caring and sorry for breaking the string freeze; I missed
that. I reverted the commit and I will resubmit it after the 5.8 release
is out.

On 05/03/16 01:01, Alexander Potashev wrote:
> [2] is clearly a feature, but it was not submitted to reviewboard
> before pushing to ktexteditor.git:master.
I thought it was up to the individual projects how to handle that. New
syntax highlighting files are really not critical changes at all, and I
consider the reviewing and fixing that happened on kwrite-devel for this
patch sufficient. It did not seem necessary to make a new and probably
one-time contributor go through reviewboard for this one submission.
Additionally, we regularily receive submissions like that and we often
handle them like this.
If I'm mistaken here, could you please point me to the policy saying


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