Version numbering at download location

David Faure faure at
Sat Oct 10 13:37:26 UTC 2015

On Monday 05 October 2015 21:14:00 Marko Käning wrote:
> In MacPorts the version check is usually done by downloading the web-page where the corresponding source
> code archives can be grabbed from. This is usually a simple web-page created by source-forge, github,
> bitbucket or the like…

OK, so we're not talking about the organization of the FTP directories, but about HTML pages.
That's quite different (a single HTML page could point to multiple FTP directories, for instance).

> Such a HTML page would contain all valid version numbers (together with other infos) of a given code-archive.
> The regexp to be defined now grabs the version numbers in the desired format, i.e. x.y.z and thus allows
> to cross-check all numbers found against the one currently in use be the installed version of the corresponding
> software.

Does work for this?

> Yet, KF5’s approach means that you have at first a page where you get a choice between x.y’s and then at the
> following page - a lever lower - you only start to see x.y.z refinements...

Well, the above has all you need for z==0.

For z > 0, I previously sometimes made a separate page, but that's not automated and I'm lazy
so I actually forgot for kservice 5.14.z.
Might be simpler for me to just add entries into that table above, and then it would work better for you, right?

David Faure, faure at,
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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