"kde5" or "kf5" ?

Kevin Krammer krammer at kde.org
Mon Feb 18 13:40:57 UTC 2013

On Sunday, 2013-02-17, David Faure wrote:

> The thing is, it could be either a pure QStandardPaths equivalent, or for
> more compatibility with kde4-config it would also still answer requests
> for e.g. --path xdgdata-icon, even if internally that's just
> GenericDataLocation + "/icons".
> In the first case we would call it something like qpaths and even put it
> into Qt, while in the second case it could be called kf5-config.
> Well, maximing compatibility (= minimizing porting efforts for users) is
> good, so let's go for kf5-config.

IMHO something like qpath sounds better. I don't think there is a lot of usage 
of those special paths and even if there is any script would have to be 
updated to the new executable name anyway.


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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