Definition of done - warning

Benjamin Port benjamin.port at
Sat Jul 7 10:20:01 UTC 2012

Currently when we build kdelibs there are lots of warnings. That's why I 
suggest to add a remove all warnings in the definition of done.

But we can't remove all warnings, indeed some warnings come from moc file 
(deprecated slots) and from unit test where we want to test the behavior of 
deprecated method.

For the first one I don't have any idea to manage that (and I think there is 
no solution)
For unit test we can add to gcc the -Wno-deprecated-declarations option. 
Perhaps we can do that by adding a test macro defined in ecm.

So I suggest to have the following definition of done:
"Remove all warning except in moc files (deprecated slot)"

Yes that is lot of work but I think if we manage to do that, in the future we 
can easely continu to have a warningless code.
Benjamin Port

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