[Kde-finance-apps] Re: problem while committing

Thomas Baumgart thb at net-bembel.de
Sun Jul 10 12:36:19 CEST 2011


on Sunday 10 July 2011 11:42:00 puneet goyal wrote:

> Thanks a lot Sir,
> I was not checking out from the working copy which needed to be checked out
> using svn+ssh protocol
> I have uploaded 4 of the files in playground/office/alkimia/payment
> I will be making other files which i think would be useful in the mean
> while, please let me know where I should procede noe.

A few comments:

- I think I mentioned the missing license issue already.

- I ran astyle which formatted some code. Please update your sandbox from svn 
to get those changes in formatting.

- Please add more description to the alkuser object. What is is good for and 
what's its purpose? I am not sure what the attributes should be used for, so I 
can't really comment on it. Same for keyusermanager.  Maybe, the lack of 
comments is the source for all my questions below.

- The DTOR of AlkUser does not delete the private 'd' memory. This will result 
in memory leaks.

- What is 'Q_String'? Please use QString as type in alkuser.cpp

- The line

  class ALK_EXport AlkUser : public QObject

in alkuser.h should read

  class ALK_EXPORT AlkUser : public QObject

to work properly.

- There is no CMakeLists.txt file which would allow to build the software.

- Why is the amount attribute a QString and not an AlkValue?

> And even i was not able to use any test over these.

What are you trying to accomplish? Please try to explain what you are trying 
to achieve with those objects.  We can certainly help.



Thomas Baumgart

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