[Kde-finance-apps] Welcome

Klaas Freitag freitag at kde.org
Wed Jan 20 22:31:39 CET 2010

Hey Alvaro,

thank you very much for driving this that we now finally have this 
forum, let's make good use of it :-)

> I think one of the first issues we have to tackle is the meeting of KDE
> Finance.
> There have been talks about doing a meeting of KDE Finance this
> spring. (Northern Hemisphere)
Agreed. I think we should safely release our first KDE 4 versions (for 
KKMyMoney and Kraft, I am not sure about the others) and after that go 
for the meeting.

> I think either Berlin or Frankfurt would be fine, wherever we find a
> suitable place to gather, have beer and a warm bed, and to me it's
> really the same to fly 12000KM or 12500KM.
Boah, thats a long way to go...

I think we will have good support from the KDE e.V. for that, finance
and location wise if we ask. Usually the KDE e.V. reimburses 80% of 
travel- and accomodation costs, if we follow some simple rules like
for example that we inform the community of what happened.

Probably our first meeting would be more a talking than coding meeting,
or do we think we can do much of brainstorming and planing of what we
want to achieve on this list? At least we should try. I would suggest
to meet over the weekend (arrive at friday night, drink, work saturday
and sunday).

First steps would be to gather a list of people who are supposed to 
participate and how much financial support we roughly need from the
KDE e.V. and inform the e.V. board and ask them if there is still budget.
I am volunteering for that.

The location usually is not a problem, we have some nice standing offers
like Linuxhotel or the KDE e.V. office. We also could meet in Nuremberg 
at the openSUSE office.

> So, please get involved and subscribed everyone you think should be at
> this meeting,
Yes, the very first step ;-)



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