[Kde-extra-gear] Freezes in the Extra Gear?

Sebastian Stein kde-extra-gear@mail.kde.org
Sun, 28 Jul 2002 08:42:37 +0200

Klas Kalass <klas.kalass@gmx.de> [020728 08:17]:
> First I wanted to ask what you think about having an "official" release cycle 
> for individual apps.

Do you mean makeing a package of kde-extra-gear and release it? Yes, sounds

> That directly leads to a second thing: A website for the Extra Gear.  That
> could host descriptions of the apps and links to the respective homepages 

Would be good ok.

KBruch: application to automatically generate tasks with fractions
Package: KDE Edu in KDE 3.2 (http://edu.kde.org/kbruch/)
CVS: kdeextragear-1/kbruch
State: finished
CVS Snapshot: http://www.hpfsc.de/download/kbruch-0.20.tar.gz