[kde-embedded] Kde porting on embedded board

Volker Krause vkrause at kde.org
Sun Dec 3 11:25:25 UTC 2017


On Friday, 1 December 2017 15:14:12 CET prakash m wrote:
> Currently we have qt5 running with x11 paltform and we need to have kde
> with plasma framework.So which layer will be suitable for us
> 1. yocto-meta-kde
> 2. yocto-meta-kf5
> Could you please explain, what is the difference between two layers?

meta-kf5 contains just the KDE Frameworks 5 recipes, which is a prerequisite 
for Plasma or the other stuff in meta-kde.

> In yocto-meta-kde , I have seen the pacakagegroup like plasma-mobile and I
> included this packagegroup in my target.Could you please tell me how to use
> this?

Sorry to disappoint you there, but unlike meta-kf5, meta-kde is work in 
progress and far from complete. There are just a few of many needed recipes in 
there at this point to get a full Plasma (Mobile) built.

> while integrating the yocto-meta-kf5, I got the error in baloo framework
> like no member defined
>  error: 'org::kde::baloo::fileindexer {aka class
> OrgKdeBalooFileindexerInterface}' has no member named 'registerMonitor';
> did you mean 'registerUserData'?

Which Qt version are you using, and where did you take the Qt recipes from? 
This is a known issues with Qt 5.8 (and possibly older) from the meta-qt layer 
on Github. Qt 5.9.1 from code.qt.io fixed that me.

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