[kde-embedded] Kde porting on embedded board

prakash m prakash56755 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 14:14:12 UTC 2017


Currently we have qt5 running with x11 paltform and we need to have kde
with plasma framework.So which layer will be suitable for us

1. yocto-meta-kde
2. yocto-meta-kf5

Could you please explain, what is the difference between two layers?

In yocto-meta-kde , I have seen the pacakagegroup like plasma-mobile and I
included this packagegroup in my target.Could you please tell me how to use

while integrating the yocto-meta-kf5, I got the error in baloo framework
like no member defined

 error: 'org::kde::baloo::fileindexer {aka class
OrgKdeBalooFileindexerInterface}' has no member named 'registerMonitor';
did you mean 'registerUserData'?

We need it urgent for our development.

Thanks in Advance !!!


Prakash M
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