D14942: Connect new-image event to Scheduler imaging time estimator.

Eric Dejouhanet noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Aug 23 17:14:42 BST 2018

TallFurryMan marked an inline comment as done.
TallFurryMan added a comment.

  Incidentally I started to work on that differential with a dbus signal. But then I stopped and asked myself, "Isn't that stupid? Why would I want to do that inside a single app?" :)
  I can understand the need to notify scripts through dbus, but to me the app signal should be relayed by a separate module that converts the QT signal into a dbus signal.
  Else that will result in a dbus API that is scattered throughout all modules, inputs and outputs, with a lot of duplicated control code... It's already difficult to picture the state machines of each module, so the worst is to come if we bloat it with exception management...
  Plus you probably can't afford to touch the dbus API if you want to fix a UI issue, which is mostly what QT signals were designed for.

  R321 KStars


To: TallFurryMan, mutlaqja, wreissenberger
Cc: kde-edu, narvaez, apol
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