KAnagram QML WebView crash

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Fri Aug 22 21:57:24 UTC 2014

El Divendres, 22 d'agost de 2014, a les 15:45:12, Jeremy Whiting va escriure:
> Hello all,
> I'm reaching out because I can't seem to find a solution myself.
> TLDR If you can get a backtrace from building and running
> scratch/whiting/testqmlapp which uses QtWebKit's QML WebView I'd very
> much appreciate it.

"works" for me http://i.imgur.com/OVgSImV.png


> KAnagram qt4 version from master (before frameworks branch was merged)
> has a qml WebView to show wikipedia data for the current word as a
> hint (obvious hint, but nevertheless). Now that master branch is kf5
> based I've disabled this feature temporarily because on my machine at
> least every time the WebView becomes visible KAnagram crashes. KCrash
> shows two lines of ?? so isn't helpful. gdb kanagram shows no ui
> strangely enough. At any rate I've simplified kanagram's code to a
> base/small set of sources that also crashes when the WebView is shown
> here, and I'd like to see if anyone knows why or can get me a
> backtrace that could help. Note I've built Qt5 myself twice to try to
> get a backtrace, but for some reason when building qt5 from git
> QtWebKit is built as a QtQuick 1 library (placed into qtbase/imports)
> rather than a QtQuick 2 library (placed into qtbase/qml) (If anyone
> can explain why this is the case I'd like to know that also...) so if
> you've built qt5 yourself you probably also wont be able to run this
> test app. If I can't solve this crash I'll simply disable this feature
> for the 14.12 release and look at it again once Qt 5.4 is released,
> which will have a Blink based WebEngine or something to try it with
> I'm told.
> thanks,
> Jeremy
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