[kde-edu]: Re: New asymptote export filter for Kig (second try)

Maurizio Paolini paolini at dmf.unicatt.it
Sun Mar 6 12:36:52 CET 2011

I would prefer adding an entry in the export menu rather than
an option in the latex export that creates something that is
not a latex file.

Summarizing, the three options would be:

- standalone asymptote export (in the Export menu')
- Latex input file (in the Export->latex)
- standalone latex file (in the Export->latex; checking "standalong")

If there are no objections on this choice, is it possible for you
to create a new patch file?


On Sat, Mar 05, 2011 at 07:08:56PM +0100, Raoul wrote:
> Hi,
> > I didn't enter into the details of your patch, just tested
> > kig after compiling and installing.
> > 
> > At first sight I see a consistency problem with respect to
> > "pstricks" and "Tikz/PGF":
> > 
> > when selecting "standalone document" (with pstricks and
> > tikz/PGF) the result is a standalone latex document
> > (starting with \documentclass[...]{...} and down to \end{document})
> > 
> > whereas it seems that with "asymptote" the result is
> > a standalone *asymptote* document, not a latex file.
> Yes, this is a little bit inconsistent, but a standalone asymptote 
> File is just a plain asy file without any TeX.
> What we could offer additionally (and what a user may expect when using
> the "latex" exporter) is the latex-embedded asy code but with the whole
> latex headers such that it compiles with pdflatex+asy.
> > which is also inconsistent with the proposed file extension of
> > ".tex".
> As I said, yes. For the asy compiler it does not matter,
> but for the user it's inacceptable.
> > This result perhaps would more properly pertain to a new
> > entry in the export menu as an alternative to "image",
> > "xfig", "latex", "SVG".
> That would be a possibility too. Initially I thought this is the
> way to go, but there were concerns about clutter up the Export menu.
> Maybe it's best to have all three? Latex fragment to be used with "input",
> standalone latex-embedded asy and (as an own menu point) standalone asymptote
> file. This should cover all use cases I hope. Or would this be too much?
> Most of the code can of course be shared.
> -- Raoul
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