[kde-edu]: Re: New asymptote export filter for Kig (second try)

Raoul raoulb at bluewin.ch
Sat Mar 5 19:08:56 CET 2011


> I didn't enter into the details of your patch, just tested
> kig after compiling and installing.
> At first sight I see a consistency problem with respect to
> "pstricks" and "Tikz/PGF":
> when selecting "standalone document" (with pstricks and
> tikz/PGF) the result is a standalone latex document
> (starting with \documentclass[...]{...} and down to \end{document})
> whereas it seems that with "asymptote" the result is
> a standalone *asymptote* document, not a latex file.

Yes, this is a little bit inconsistent, but a standalone asymptote 
File is just a plain asy file without any TeX.

What we could offer additionally (and what a user may expect when using
the "latex" exporter) is the latex-embedded asy code but with the whole
latex headers such that it compiles with pdflatex+asy.

> which is also inconsistent with the proposed file extension of
> ".tex".

As I said, yes. For the asy compiler it does not matter,
but for the user it's inacceptable.

> This result perhaps would more properly pertain to a new
> entry in the export menu as an alternative to "image",
> "xfig", "latex", "SVG".

That would be a possibility too. Initially I thought this is the
way to go, but there were concerns about clutter up the Export menu.

Maybe it's best to have all three? Latex fragment to be used with "input",
standalone latex-embedded asy and (as an own menu point) standalone asymptote
file. This should cover all use cases I hope. Or would this be too much?

Most of the code can of course be shared.

-- Raoul

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