[kde-edu]: Re: KDE edu in schools

Martijn van Duren martijn987 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 16:34:41 CET 2010

Thank you for your quick responds.

Are you aware of any project that does work towards these goals?


Martijn van Duren

Sebastian Stein schreef op do 23-12-2010 om 16:20 [+0100]:
> Martijn van Duren <martijn987 at gmail.com> [101223 16:13]:
> > Through these talks I came to the KDE edu suite. Since I can't afford to
> > look deeply into the entire documentation to find these answers and also
> > because I want to get some insight from and to get some discussion with
> > the people directly related to this project I post my questions here:
> Judging from your questions, I think you are looking for something else. KDE
> Edu is a collection of edutainment apps. For example, you got one for
> learning vocabulary and another one for exploring the stellar system on your
> computer. However, those apps don't track learning progress and are not
> integrated in the sense of having some kind of server backend to track pupil
> records.
> The use-case is different. I would expect that a math teacher for example
> uses Kig as part of his lessons to allow pupils to do geometry on the
> computer. But he won't use Kig to track the progress of his students.
> To get an idea of the applications available, take a look here:
> http://edu.kde.org/applications/all/
> Regards,
> Sebastian

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