[kde-edu]: Re: KDE edu in schools

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Thu Dec 23 15:32:59 CET 2010

If anyone is going to answer him, please do CC him since his not subscribed to 
the list.


A Dimecres, 22 de desembre de 2010, Martijn van Duren va escriure:
> Dear people of KDE edu,
> I've posted a message on the kde forum, but they suggested for me to ask
> the question through the mailing list.
> My original post was as follow:
> I'm not a genuine KDE user, but I do use Linux and am a firm supporter
> of open source and standards.
> I recently came into contact with some people running different primary
> schools. When I talked with these people I found out that a lot of
> schools these days (at least here in the Netherlands) are using outdated
> software (including software written for windows 3.0). Talking to these
> people I came to the conclusion that at the very least a fair percentage
> is willing to look into what other (opener) software has to offer, but
> aren't able to find a decent replacements or are stuck but contracts
> with the book-suppliers.
> Through these talks I came to the KDE edu suite. Since I can't afford to
> look deeply into the entire documentation to find these answers and also
> because I want to get some insight from and to get some discussion with
> the people directly related to this project I post my questions here:
>       * How scalable is the project?
>         - How is the central maintenance of progress and grades for
>         students?
>         - How easily can the content (and possibly the front-end) be
>         altered to suit the specific needs of a teaching methodology?
>         - How closely is the (client side) back-end integrated into the
>         kde/Qt project?
>       * How closely is the project related to publishers of schoolbooks?
>       * How actively are school approached about the existence of this
>         project
> I hope someone can give me some information concerning these questions
> and hopefully get some discussion going about how to make open source
> and open standards more common on schools.
> Sincerely,
> Martijn van Duren
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