[kde-edu]: Re: git conversion

Etienne Rebetez etienne.rebetez at oberwallis.ch
Tue Dec 21 13:36:14 CET 2010

Am Dienstag 21 Dezember 2010, 10:05:05 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> > Why not, makes sense.
> The question you need to ask yourselves is:
>  * Would anyone not being kalzium ever want to use libscience?
>    * If yes, imagine that anyone as a total KDE foreigned, how could he
> know  that in a kdeedu were everything is split libscience will be inside
> the kalzium repository?
Good point. Maybe we can put kalzium, libscience and future projects in a 
"chemical" repo.
>    * If not, why does it exist as a library?
Don't know, this was before my time;)


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