[kde-edu]: Converter table - .kvtml format

Frederik Gladhorn gladhorn at kde.org
Sun Sep 13 20:11:11 CEST 2009

Parley can import and export csv (comma separated values).
You can even choose to use different separators (tabs, comma, semicolon...) in 
the settings.

To open csv documents use the normal File->Open. To save as csv use File-
>Export... and choose CSV.

Let me know if it doesn't work.
I hope that is what you were looking for.


On Sunday 13 September 2009 15:23:54 Sabine Emmy Eller wrote:
> Hi, we are creating a multilingual dictionary and thought it was a good
>  idea to start off with one of the multilingal .kvtml format files to make
>  applications like Parley more known. I managed to convert the data we need
>  (I am not a programmer, but care about communication and do translations)
>  into a table format we can easily use. What I was wondering right now is:
>  does such a conversion utility between table format and .kvtml format
>  exist? I mean both ways?
> I cannot explain exactly now I am going to do things now - the conference
> where we need to prepare things for is next week (Ireland - the
> participation is free - if someone is interested in coming along, please
> contact me and I will pass you the link).
> Link to the dictionary description for who might be interested:
> http://www.voxhumanitatis.org/content/ambaradan-owm2-storage-engine
> but really: if there is a conversion utility it would be great if you told
> me.
> Have a nice Sunday!
> Sabine
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