[kde-edu]: Thoughts on KDE-Educationals in general
Sabine Emmy Eller
s.eller at voxhumanitatis.org
Sun Oct 4 11:04:19 CEST 2009
> Using suse studio to create a different distro:
> While this sounds great and could be successful, I would worry about
> support if people were to encounter difficulties. Imagine if you will a new
> user trying this distro out and it not working right away. Where would they
> go for assistance? Most likely their searches are going to lead to places
> where they find themselves unsure about things. In my opinion it would be a
> better use of our efforts to offer our support to existing distributions and
> encourage kde-edu that way.
Support can be done only on a very local level: this is why I said doing it
here for the school of my kids and for neighbours would not be a problem.
If there are existing distributions (which is much more interesting, because
it means I could concentrate on contents alone): I will be happy to use
them. But: how do we get the data in? Having to give additional CDs to pass
along the data ... hmmm ... but it could be a way ... it is more likely to
have people copy a data file to their computer than to install an
application. So if we run from a DVD which can access the local hd, then
things are already somewhat better, in particular if we distribute not only
.kvtml files, but eventually also e-books on that data cd/dvd which IMHO is
much easier to maintain as well.
> Having said that, I realize that edubuntu is no longer packaged as a single
> iso, but rather as an addon to ubuntu making it much harder to test out
> using a live CD/DVD (or even live usb stick). Perhaps our efforts here
> could be best utilized in supporting a few distributions and making a live
> version with the kde-edu packages included available using rBulder (or a
> similar tool).
See above.
> KDE on Windows:
> I have tested this numerous times and this project has come along way and I
> would like to see it continue to develop. However, I have been reluctant to
> inform them of some of the fantastic programs available in kde-edu because
> it is more than they can handle. It isn't easy for them to get up and
> running even with KDE on Windows. If we were to bundle individual kde-edu
> programs as standalone executables on Windows I think we could/would have
> better results and could grow the user base. If you are skeptical about
> this I would suggest you look at a great program that does this fairly well,
> the GIMP. I have many colleagues who do use this because of the ease with
> which they can install and run it.
KDE on Windows runs fine, but even a quite experienced user, a colleague of
mine in VH who still is on Windows had some questions on what to choose etc.
So it is not a software problem, but eventually a documentation? (It could
well be that I simply did not see the documentation ... as I said I am on
Ubuntu and we resolved via IRC).
Yes, having applications work like the GIMP would be great. Though I don't
have a clue on what this can mean in terms of organisation and programming.
As for the rest of the mail: this is far from the reality here and therefore
not applicable.
Cheers, Sabine
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