[kde-edu]: parley

Isaac Puch Rojo puchrojo at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 21:53:21 CET 2009


strawbarry -> strawberry

I don't like the pictures from openclipart, but the idea is not bad.
With Ubuntu work fine.

By, Isaac

2009/11/25 Andreas Kainz <andreas_k at abwesend.de>

> ok.
> I upload the .kvtml file http://ul.to/4sl9fp.
> When you install openclipart you also see the pictures.
> It's for children and when using the openclipart pictures, not to lot of
> work.
> I use sidux so maybe when you use another distribution you get truble
> with the links to the openclipart pictures.
> I'm all the time looking for thinks that works without a lot of work.
> I'll look after picture for the google document.
> best is public domain then cc (with less authors).
> I will name the pictures like the english word so it will be easy to
> link to them.
> the informations about the resolutions will be clear and I will also
> save, where I'l get the pic and which licence, ...
> best regards
> andreas
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Isaac Puch Rojo
Heinrich-Gefken-Str. 3
28359 Bremen
puchrojo at gmail.com
Tel: +49-421-2436443
Handy: +49-176-29838383
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