[kde-edu]: kvtml format help appreciated

Christoph Burgmer christoph.burgmer at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Wed Jul 2 18:19:17 CEST 2008

Hi list,

I'm about to write an export function for Chinese [character] vocabulary. I 
would like the user to be able to use KDE-EDU apps as to be flexible and 
avoid implementing the same functionality already included in Parley and all 
the others.

My problems are: no documentation about the semantics of the kvtml format, 
unclear about an improvement of the widely used and unreadable 
one-character-tag format (heard something about kvtml2), unclear about other 
options in co-operation with other KDE apps.

My app will be written in Python/PyQt. I can use the Chinese-English HSK vocab 
set available from the EDU website, but I read something about making the 
pronunciation explicit; the HSK vocab gives both as t ("translation"). For 
languages using Chinese characters (CJK) it is important to specify the 
pronunciation (as Pinyin, Kana, Hangul) explicitly as the learner has to 
memorise this equally to the meaning (three-way-relationship: glyph, 
pronunciation, meaning), unlike European languages.

Any documentation available for me, anybody willing to give me some hints? Any 
help appreciated.

I'm not on the list so please cc me. Thanks.


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