[kde-edu]: We need more promotion

Bhikkhu Mettavihari mettavihari at gmail.com
Mon Dec 15 11:02:36 CET 2008

> > We are going very much with Open Source in our School work.
> When kids will use the OLPC Logo software they'll use the KDE-Edu one at
> home
> or elsewhere easily. They will already know about freedom. So even if it's
> not
> KDE-Edu itself, it helps KDE-Edu.
> You can promote KDE-Edu to cyber cafés for example by telling them to get
> kids-oriented machines. That's a practical example anyone can do. We do
> that
> locally. Also in libraries.
> And make a KDE-Edu promo team, list what needs to be done, open a Spread
> KDE-
> Edu website,....

We are planning an Ubuntu installation in ALL schools
My thoughts is to make an extra DVD which hold all the education tools and
index it for easy installation.(it is not all our schools that has Internet
facility). This DVD would ofcause also include your Kde-Edu

with metta

The Linux Center
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