[kde-edu]: FOSDEM invitation (reminder)

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Thu Feb 22 09:39:54 CET 2007

Hi all,

This week-end wil be FOSDEM in Brussels. I'll have the KDE room on Sunday 
morning from 9 am to 12 am and I'd like to invite you all at the Edu workshop 
that will happen here.

Some edu developers will be there representing GCompris (Bruno Coudoin), 
ChildsPlay (Stas Zytkiewicz), Tux4Kids (Holger Levsen) and others I hope.
Debian-Edu (and Skolelinux (Ralf?)) people have been invited as well as 
Edubuntu and I hope some will attend. Nicolas Pettiaux from Belgium will 
attend, he is trying to spread the use of Free Software in his country. 

Anyone can attend and users are very welcome. All people interested in Free 
Software in Education are warmly invited.

We will briefly present our projects and then try to see how to be more 
efficient in working together. We could talk about packaging problems (data, 
translations, size,...) and about development collaboration: sharing data, 
pics, sounds, what formats, use same storage for user results,... We can also 
talk on how getting more feedback from users and what are their main wishes.

There's plenty to discuss and maybe you have some ideas about it. 

Any ideas can be sent here and I really hope to see you on Sunday morning!



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