[kde-edu]: wünsche zu KWordQuiz

Peter Hedlund peter at peterandlinda.com
Thu Sep 7 02:21:31 CEST 2006


On Wednesday 06 September 2006 10:05, Chinu wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to translate the German text. Even so I am a native German speaker,
> the text is a little bit strange, because it is written a little bit
> sloppy.

Thanks for the translation. 

> Here is the translation:
> -------------------- Translation -------------------
> It would be nice if the words would be looked up in a/the dictionary while
> you write them. When you print something it is annoying if you have to

Spell checking is great for word processors, but in my opinion actually typing 
the words or expressions you are trying to learn is an important part of the 
learning process.

> print more then you wrote. It would be better if the Stander-number [I
> don't know what he is talking about, I think here is a typing error.
> Perhaps he is talking about the rows] is reduced to 1. They will be added
> automatically anyway.

This is the way it is in KVocTrain. I think it's safe to say that's one of the 
main reasons why new users often don't know how to start with KVocTrain. The 
spreadsheet-like table of KWordQuiz is generally more recognizable.

> When I use the quiz with typing [I don't know how it is called in English,
> he is talking about the modus, which you activate by pressing F9] the
> "(to), Mehrere Übersetzungen" are annoying and the other things which are
> written [I think he is talking about annotations which have to be typed
> even though it doesn't make sense to type them]. This could be solved if it
> [I think he is talking about the annotations] would be identified
> automatically or if you can mark the text which should be typed or if you
> can write them [I think he is talking about the annotations] in an extra
> column.

Check out Fill-in-the-blank in the manual.

> Beside that... it is a super program!
> Keep it up!

Thank you!


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