[kde-edu]: Physiks Development Rate

Harish Kukreja harish.kukreja at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 03:03:57 CEST 2006

On 10/10/06, Anne-Marie Mahfouf <annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr> wrote:
> On Tuesday 10 October 2006 12:21, RalfGesellensetter wrote:
> > qt4lab.org
> Hi,
> I cleaned physiKs in kde3 svn and ported physiKs to kde4 in
> branches/work/kde4/playground/edu/physiks
> in KDE svn.

Thank you. There was indeed much cleaning to do.

At the moment
> - the Physicsdrawer does not compile in kde3, it is coded against qt4
> while
> the other code was against qt3 - it's a qt only code. It also does not
> compile in kde4, should be easy to fix though.

I've been testing the entire code on KDE 3.5.2 with the Qt 4.1.1 libraries
installed as well. I was trying to move everything over to Qt4 towards the
end of my Summer of Code time, but I've apparently missed quite a bit.

- the swig and ruby scripts don't run

The SWIG error has kept me busy for countless hours. Scripts in any language
are dependent upon SWIG's generated wrapper code, so if we can get SWIG to
parse the two problematic files successfully, it would be theoretically
possible to create a variety of bindings by just changing one compilation

- there is no binary to run, the scripts should demonstrate a sample run.
> In short: I am lost on what to do about it.

That was the plan with physikstest.cpp and PhysiksDrawer.(cpp | h). I'm not
sure why neither of them compile - what are the error messages?

So for me, there's nothing to test and nothing to show. I had hoped that
> physiKs was a bit more avanced in order to start a KDE4 app from its code.
> I
> am not sure we can do anything with it, to be frank.

No, most probably not. It is still in a very messy state, as you have
unfortunately experienced first-hand. Functionalilty is also severely

The qt4lab.org provides widgets for physics apps so I think this should be
> used. There is also a KDE app on kde-apps.org, eduKator, which seems
> unmaintained now but could be a good base for a physics app.
> http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17602

Interesting. I had never heard of qt4lab until today. It seems very useful
for this project.

I am waiting for a wiki for KDE-Edu in order to open a debate on physiKs and
> to see if it answers people's needs.
> Ralf, do you have requests for such an app?
> Anne-Marie
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