[kde-edu]: An idea for a new application.

Benoît Jacob jacob at math.jussieu.fr
Sun Oct 1 17:11:59 CEST 2006


Very nice idea! Unfortunately I can't help, at least in the near future, for 
lack of time.

If you have some time to spend on it, why not try to do it yourself? There's 
always a first time with programming, and KDE apps can be written in several 
different programming languages, some of which are much easier than C++, like 
Python and Ruby. New programmers are most welcome!


Le dimanche 01 octobre 2006 17:11, Miguel Marco a écrit :
> Hi.
> I don't know if this is the right place for this message, if not, please
> disregard it.
> I am a math teacher, and talking with my colleagues we have had some ideas
> of applications that could be usefull in the teaching of math. Unlukily,
> none of us are good programmers, so i thought that maybe it could be a good
> idea to expose them to people interested in making educational programs.
> The main idea that we have talked about is a program to teach how to
> manipulate basic algebraic expressions. For example, the student could see
> an equation, and could drag with the mouse a term of it and drop it in the
> other side of the equation, with opposite sign.
> This could have several configurable levels, for instance, in a level they
> could not drag and drop, but only select and open menu to "substract this
> term from both sides", and then there could be an animation that shows how
> the term is substracted, and canceled. There could also be menus for things
> like "reduce to common denominator", "take the common factor",
> "distribute"...
> If someone thinks that such a program would be usefull, and is interested
> in it becoming a reality, please let me know. I don't know much of
> programming, but am willing to cooperate in all that i can.
> Thanks in advance.
> Miguel Marco Buzunariz
> Departamento de matemáticas.
> Universidad de Zaragoza
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