[kde-edu]: Maintainers

Markus Büchele Markus.Buechele at web.de
Fri Nov 10 20:56:39 CET 2006


we are using KVocTrain quite intensely at our school. I couldn't find it in 
the list. Is there no maintainer?



Am Freitag, 10. November 2006 18:08 schrieb Anne-Marie Mahfouf:
> Hi all edu people,
> In order to get started for KDE4 (well, KmPlot, Kalzium and KStars started
> very well already), we need to do like kdegames did and try to get new
> people coming to help developing edu programs,
> I listed the programs names here
> http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE-Edu+maintainers
> and maintainers I was sure of.
> Please correct this page and add your name if you are currently maintaining
> or if you will maintain it for KDE4.
> We need new developers, designers, artists, testers, ... If you think you
> have some time to help KDE-Edu, no matter if you don't code C++, you will
> find a task for you. Just answer this list and state what you like to do!
> If you are a developer and want to start something from scratch, here is a
> list of ideas from Skolelinux
> http://wiki.skolelinux.de/LernSoftware/Desiderata#English
> The main things I see for now:
> - KEduca is not maintained and is not in KDE4. Keduca was a test builder
> application and was liked very much by users. Being too broken, it could
> not stay but it would be nice to see it again or a similar one.
> - Artist work: Kalzium needs a set of icons to represent each element. I
> think it should be on Oxygen theme but see Carsten for more info.
> Other artist work will be needed. We should switch from png/jpeg to native
> svg for apps that need for example a background. Here as well all default
> themes could be Oxygen-based so KDE-Edu will be very consistent with the
> rest of KDE.
> Of course there are many other things that needs to be done. Docs, website
> updates, tests, re-design,...
> Refeer to
> http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE-edu+Akademy+2006+BOF+Notes
> and http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=KDE-Edu+%40+aKademy+2006
> Regards,
> Anne-Marie
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