[kde-edu]: Math software

Jason Harris kstars at 30doradus.org
Sun Jun 18 19:20:56 CEST 2006

On Sunday 18 June 2006 06:57, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> I know porting is like doing work twice, but maybe it would be easier to do
> a prototype with Qt3/KDE3 first, especially since the KDE4 platform is so
> much under continuous restructuring.
I had a similar thought.  Carsten's description of what's required to get 
going with KDE4 development is accurate, and it must sound very daunting to 
someone trying to get started.  Then there's the question of whether the 
machines these kids use will even be running KDE4 any time soon.

Though we usually say there's no point developing against KDE3 anymore, I 
think in this case, it makes sense.

To get started, maybe you can look at the source code of an existing similar 
application like KBruch or KPercentage.  I think you'd be able to turn either 
of those into a prototype of your app pretty easily.

Keep us posted, and feel free to ask questions on this list.  


> Depending on the skills in the other languages, it might even be possible
> to use the PyQt and PyKDE bindings for this prototype.
> Cheers,
> Kevin

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