[kde-edu]: CVS to SVN move.

Trenton Carr trentoncarr at telkomsa.net
Thu Mar 24 23:24:10 CET 2005

Hello all,

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 08:38:23 -0500, Anne-Marie Mahfouf  
<annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr> wrote:

> About KMathTool, could you tell us what your intentions are? What age  
> groups do you target?

The design is open for discussion and it is very easy to write  
maths parts that can be plugged into the main shell.
I am currently working on implementing a theory widget for each section  
will pop up a html_part browser containing wiki data explaining the theory  
the relevant sections. As well as extending the current Visual Trig part to
include solutions of triangles if given angle theta and the hypotenuse (or

> Do you plan to include text courses and exercises (maybe see edukator
> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17602)
> What about Birgit, did you contact her?
> Could we discuss the design as well?

Yes, and if it's possible to load edukator as KPart I can look at  
including it with KMathTool.

> Lots of people are interested in math applications (a new guy went on IRC
> yesterday) so knowing your intentions would allow other people to help or
> develop something on their own.

It is very easy to write a math part, so the more the merrier.

If you could have a look at KMathTool and advise any sections you would  
added or any improvements you would like to see, it would be appreciated.



Master Maths George
Postnet Suite #109       +27 (0) 44 873 4683
Private Bag X6590         +27 (0) 82 871 6125
George                           +27 (0) 82 821 0088
South Africa

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