[kde-edu]: Current maintainship state

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Fri Sep 24 16:36:28 CEST 2004

Hi all,

As KDE evolves, it's time to see how we want the kdeedu module to evolve as 
well. When it was founded, I was not aware of certain problems (like strong 
i18n for data) thus I built the module with whatever apps that were 
available. Some have been steadily improved, others not. I think we should 
decide how we want the module to evolve. KDE 3.4 is not so much of a problem 
but KDE 4.0 will be as porting will be demanding.
Please do remember that I merely act as a 'secretary' or 'coordinator' (It 
might be perceived that I am the module maintainer but I am not the decision 
taker). The kdeedu standards should follow other KDE modules but each 
maintainer should honestly assess if her/his program does.

Currently non-maintained:

Not well maintained:
Kiten (LOTS of bugs reports)
KTouch (Andreas, can you confirm you take over? mainly keyboard handling bugs)

Uncertainly maintained (no changes made after 3.3):
Kalzium (has lost some features)
KLatin (i18n for data to be correctly handled)

KVerbos is in rewrite process and if the new one is not ready, I think it 
would be wise to remove the current one because it does not have any data and 
has not been maintained. Arnold agrees with that.

Is KVocTrain necessary now that we have KWordQuiz? (Peter?) KVocTrain rewrite 
is such a big task that I am not sure it'll be done.

The points above are just ideas, it's up to each program maintainer to choose 
how he wants the kdeedu module look.
Minimum requirements for each program should be: easy i18n for data (in the 
code and providing translators with nice instructions), current kdelibs 
features as KConfig XT for ex., tooltips and QWhatsThis help, fixing bugs and 
nice up-to-date doc (there is a new doc template in kdeedu/doc btw).



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