kneattach handbook

Antoni Bella Pérez antonibella5 at
Thu Nov 4 08:56:08 GMT 2021

El dijous, 4 de novembre de 2021, a les 0:32:24 CET, David Liell va escriure:
> Hi. I am new to KDE and pass on my comments to help other novices.

  Hi David,

  And if you see how to improve this information, you can write it in the 
source code. ;-)

> 1. Chapter 1 should explain how to start the wizard. I eventually found it
> by poking around the box in the bottom L.H. corner of my screen. Searching
> the various entries did not reveal the wizard which I found by typing in
> the name into the search bar.

  This is more for an advanced user. Help!

> 2. Chapter 2. - Adding Network Folders - In Dolphin where is the location
> bar? A screen image is needed here as it's not obvious. 'Create an Icon' -
> needs a screen image also. I can't find the icon in Dolphin.

  The location bar is editable too, see The Dolphin Handbook.

> Many thanks,
> David

Dubta que les estrelles siguin foc.
Dubta que el Sol es mogui.
Dubta que la veritat sigui mentida.
Però no dubtis mai que t'estimo.
	- William Shakespeare

No se n'ha de posar massa
	- A grandmother on the TV show "Las recetas de Julie"

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