[kde-doc-english] Updating docs.kde.org to Applications/14.12 + Plasma/5.1?

Yuri Chornoivan yurchor at ukr.net
Sun Dec 21 17:10:44 UTC 2014

написане Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:41:18 +0200, Albert Astals Cid  
<aacid at kde.org>:

> El Dissabte, 20 de desembre de 2014, a les 18:47:37, Yuri Chornoivan va
> escriure:
>> написане Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:33:10 +0200, Albert Astals Cid
>> <aacid at kde.org>:
>> > docs.kde.org needs to be updated to track  Applications/14.12 +
>> > Plasma/5.1
>> > instead of 4.14
>> >
>> > Does anyone how to do that?
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> >   Albert
>> Hi,
>> This can be done via index.php and generator in docs-kde-org git repo.
>> But... there is no "14.12" in http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/ so we
>> will lost all translations.
> Errr what? Why would be lose translations because of that?

Oops... Dead code in the generator script:


> You'll never find 14.12 there, you can find it at
> http://websvn.kde.org/branches/Applications/
>> There was also some sort of agreement that we do not generate docs for  
>> 5.x
>> (too many branches, chaos, uncertainty where is what...).
> Too many branches? chaos? Where has that "agreement" been generated?
> I've never seen anyone complaining about chaos.

Me first, yeah! ;)

Some words about "chaos". ~20% of KDE apps have KF5 versions. Some of them  
have kf5-stable versions. If I for some reasons install KF5 what docs  
should I choose? KF5 (5.x?), KDE 4.14, KDE 14.12? What all those numbers  

This has two solutions:

1. Just keep two branches, stable and unstable. This way we should guess  
 from SVN translation branches what version to choose to show on d.k.o.  
This is hardly reachable automatically.

2. Keep all possible branches. It takes some time and efforts to rewrite  
scripts for two (three, more?) new branches (kf5-stable, kf5-master) and  
 from kdelibs to kdoctools framework (not saying that there might be some  
problems with different versions of kdoctools).

As it will be hard for average user and search robot to find the right  
docs from 4 (or more) cases and KF5 is still not widely adopted, nobody  
complained so far that there are no docs for KF5 applications.

Moreover, we should redo almost all screenshots with the new default style  
(Breeze?) and have not enough KF5 users to do this.

So this is not an urgent task so far, imho. Sorry for the pessimistic  
point of view.

Best regards,

> Cheers,
>   Albert
>> Just my 2 cents (usually Burkhard does all switches).
>> Best regards,
>> Yuri

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