[kde-doc-english] A few basics for new documentation

Yuri Chornoivan yurchor at ukr.net
Fri Jan 25 18:30:47 UTC 2013

написане Fri, 25 Jan 2013 18:03:58 +0200, Randall Wood
<randall at woodbriceno.net>:

> Greetings - I'm looking for a few basics to get me started.  I've agreed  
> to
> write up the documentation for Trojita (recently included in KDE) and  
> thought
> in doing so, I'd learn enough about the KDE Docs team/packages/processes  
> to be
> able to continue helping improve KDE documentation.  I'm a long-time KDE  
> user
> and a published technical writer, so happy to help.
> I'm off to a bad start.  I found my way to the userbase wiki and the  
> developer
> wiki, and downloaded both the KDE Documentation Primer and KDE DocBook  
> Authors
> Guide.  Both seem woefully out of date (8-10 years), referring to old  
> KDE3
> processes and documents.
> 1. Just to get started:
> I can probably get going if I can find the document template and lists of
> entities.  I'm on openSUSE, and general.entities was found at
> /opt/kde3/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/entities/  Is this  
> correct, or
> is there something newer?  Where would I find the kdelibs directory, or  
> is
> this a relic of the old KDE Documentation Primer?
> 2. If I'm barking up the wrong tree, is there some better
> tutorial/primer/instruction page for willing contributers who understand
> XML/Docbook and are willing to invest the time to contribute docs?   
> Otherwise,
> where should I go/who should I talk to in order to help with the bigger
> documentation picture?
> Thanks in advance - Randy
> www.therandymon.com


The Documentation Primer in HTML is really outdated. An updated version in
on techbase[1].

1. The most up-to-date versions of template and entities are in kdelibs
repo [2]

the template [3]

the entities [4]

2. It can be the techbase Primer pages or any UserBase guidelines. If you
follow UserBase guidelines [5] the wiki pages can be readily converted
into the DocBook in a few minutes [6].

Just my 2 cents.

Best regards,

[1] http://techbase.kde.org/Documentation_Primer/Manual

[2] https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs



[5] http://userbase.kde.org/Typographical_Guidelines

[6] http://userbase.kde.org/How_To_Convert_a_UserBase_Manual_to_Docbook

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