[kde-doc-english] error in KOrganizer helf file

David Palser davidpalser179 at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 6 19:59:00 UTC 2012


I found the following error in 'Chapter 3. Importing, Exporting, and
Managing Calendars' help file for KOrganizer.

Most IMAP servers can be used to hold calendar and address book
resources, allowing you to use access your data from just anywhere!

The presence of both 'use' and 'access' is redundant, just 'access' is

I have seen a few other instances of poor grammar in the help file, and
I would like to assist in improving things. I am a proofreader, and a
longtime keen user of Linux, so would like to contribute if I can.

Please let me know how best I can benefit the community.

best regards
David Palser

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