[kde-doc-english] wiki

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Thu Jun 10 21:40:08 CEST 2010

A Dijous, 10 de juny de 2010, Mark Shelby va escriure:
> I've brought up this topic before, but was just browsing the kde forums and
> so I'll ask it of this mailing list again: What is the main reason that kde
> documentation cannot be formatted strictly for wiki and updated by users,
> and available primarily via internet access?
> I've heard arguments of needing to have documentation for every release
> version of kde, but frankly I think that is a pipe-dream. The documentation
> is so out of date and incomplete for *any* release version that it would be
> further impossible to include docs for all releases!
> Also what is the need to include and make available by default offline
> documentation? Why can't the system admin (if one exists for whatever size
> network) simply download a hard copy of the wiki text and distribute it to
> users internally as the sysadmin and users deem necessary?
> Why is the kde team locked into the docbook format? Don't kde-doc members
> think their time would be much better served in not having to be a
> gate-keeper for document changes and additions? Don't kde-doc developers
> realize that many kde users would be happy to contribute to documentation
> efforts if it weren't purposefully so dificult to contribute? Why the
> "gate-keeper" mentality?

The same reason we don't have our code in a wiki.

> Just curious. Seriously. Not a flame.

Really? To not wanting to flame, your mail is seriously flame-like written.


> -Mark Shelby

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