[kde-doc-english] Fontwidths

Hans Nieuwenhuizen jk at nieuwenhuizen-jk.nl
Mon Apr 13 18:30:14 CEST 2009

Dear Sirs,

As you will certainly notice from this message is that the signature
as added to the message uses fontwidths differn reom those in the
signature file.

In my teksteditor ( emacs ) it still is OK, but kmail has its own
ideas about fontwidth and destroy it to a random micture of text and spaces.

How can I change it? 




    |  I start every day with the deletion of abt 200 spams and alike and   |
    |  close the day similarly.                                             |
    |  If you send me a non-spam, please make yourself recognizable in the  |
    |  sender - address { and | or } the subject.                           | 
    |                                                                       |
    |                                                                       |
    |  Nieuwenhuizen, Prof. Ir. J.K.      email:    jk at nieuwenhuizen-jk.nl  |
    |  5624 KZ 8 The Netherlands          internet: www.nieuwenhuizen-jk.nl |
    |  Tel. [{..31 | 0}40]  2442226                                         |

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