[kde-doc-english] kmail problem

Hans Nieuwenhuizen jk at nieuwenhuizen-jk.nl
Tue Apr 14 11:14:30 CEST 2009

Dear Sirs,

With my update of SuSE 9.3 to 11.1, kmail changed from version 1.3 to 1.10.3.

I have 2 problems with 10.3:

        1. As I reported yesteday, kmail destroys my signature by
        using variable fontwitdth for fixed width. ( Please look
        below, do you understand why I feel graphics is nonsense here? )

        2. My 'reply' does not refer to the message replied. This must
        be an installation setting which I cannot find. Where is that?

and 3: when completing the 'other texteditor' the 'apply' button often
remains dimmed.

Thanks a lot


    |  I start every day with the deletion of abt 200 spams and alike and   |
    |  close the day similarly.                                             |
    |  If you send me a non-spam, please make yourself recognizable in the  |
    |  sender - address { and | or } the subject.                           | 
    |                                                                       |
    |                                                                       |
    |  Nieuwenhuizen, Prof. Ir. J.K.      email:    jk at nieuwenhuizen-jk.nl  |
    |  5624 KZ 8 The Netherlands          internet: www.nieuwenhuizen-jk.nl |
    |  Tel. [{..31 | 0}40]  2442226                                         |

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