[kde-doc-english] Join the Documentation Team

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at lincoln.ox.ac.uk
Sun Nov 26 13:50:54 CET 2006

Hi Jonathan,

> I would like to also through my hat in the ring for helping out w/ KDE
> docs.  I already do a lot of work for Kubuntu documentation and would like
> to tackle Keep as there have been some bugs reported on launchpad.net and
> updated at bugs.kde.org on missing manuals.
> What do I need to do to get started on that?

Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier about this. I've just taken a look at 
Keep and it seems like it doesn't yet have any documentation, so you should 
get in touch with the developer and tell him that you're interested in 
working on creating docs for it - he might already have an outline for docs, 
or some ideas that might be useful.

How you proceed after that is up to how you prefer to work :-). I'd suggest 
making an outline first, so you have an idea of what you want to include in 
each section. Feel free to send the outline to the list if you'd like some 
comments on it. Then it's up to you what order you prefer to write it in - 
I'd suggest writing the "Getting Started" or "Basic Usage" section first, and 
then moving onto other sections.

You can do all this working in plain text, and then send the plain text to the 
list, where we'll find someone to add the necessary docbook markup, so you 
don't need to worry about it. We can also provide editing and comments, so if 
you send each section/chapter as you write it, that will hopefully work out 
well both for us and you.

I guess you've already seen the resources listed in other mails, but as a 
reminder, we're in #kde-docs on irc.freenode.net, and we have a documentation 
primer at http://l10n.kde.org/docs/doc-primer/index.html .

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. And welcome to 
the docs team! :-)

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