[kde-doc-english] docs competition - Web shortcuts

Simon Vermeersch titeuf at ph34rus.org
Thu Sep 30 23:41:18 CEST 2004

Internet Shortcuts

Internet shortcuts are really usefull, once you get used to it, you can't miss 
it anymore.
To see what internet shortcuts are: open up Konqueror, and type "gg: 
kde" (without the quotes) in the location bar.
You will go to google, searching for kde.
They are many such shortcuts like ggl: (google I'm feeling lucky), bug: 
(bugs.kde.org) and so on.

To get a full list, click on Settings in the Konqueror menu, and select "Web 
Shortcuts" on the left side.
Here you will find a full list of all the shortcuts. You can create new ones, 
change existing ones, or delete unused shortcuts.
You can also disable web shortcuts if you don't like it.
If you set the "Default search engine", you don't have to type the shortcut 
anymore. For instance if you set it to google, you can just type kde on the 
location bar, and it will search google for kde.
In "Keyword delimiter" you can choose if you want to separate a shortcute with 
a colon ("gg: kde") or a space ("gg kde").

A nice tip with internet shortcuts is that you can use them from the "Run 
command" dialog. Just open it (through the K-Menu or with [meta]+[f2]) and 
type your shortcut, eg: "gg: kde", and press on enter.
It will automatically open Konqueror with a google search on kde.

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