[kde-doc-english] More Kcontrol for the user guide :)

J Hall canllaith at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 29 19:54:13 CEST 2004

I'm afraid I'm starting to run into some snags - a few modules I'm not 
entirely sure what they do. Could someone elucidate me on what 
Kcontrol->KDE Components->KDE Resources Configuration actually does? :)


J Hall.

KDE Components

This section is where you can modify advanced KDE options such as file 
associations and default applications. 

Component Chooser:

The component chooser allows you to select the default applications you would 
like to use for various services. Here you can define what Email Client, 
Embedded Text Editor, Instant Messenger, Terminal Emulator and Web Browser to 
use. If you prefer to use Xterm, Vim or Mozilla this is the place to specify 
those preferences.

File Associations:

This is where you configure everything to do with file associations. Here you 
can select a filetype, and choose what applications you would like to be able 
to open it with. You can also select which icon you would like to represent 
each filetype, and whether to show it in an embedded or a separate viewer.

File Manager:

Here you can configure the behavior of Konqueror in file manager mode. Among 
the options are fonts and font sizes, previews over various network protocols 
and context menus. Konqueror is an extremely  powerful and configurable file 
management tool with a plethora of options. For more information, consult the 
Konqueror handbook.

KDE Performance:

Here are settings related to the memory usage of Konqueror. 'Minimize Memory 
Usage' allows you to control whether separate instances of Konqueror will 
open or whether all new Konqueror windows connect to the same instance. This 
has the effect of reducing memory usage. You can also select whether to 
pre-load Konqueror after KDE startup, to reduce start times.

KDE Resources Configuration:

What does this actually do? :| It seems to be vaguely about configuring 
Kontact stuff but *shrugs* 

Service Manager:

The Service Manager module displays a static list of services that are started 
on demand, and a second list of services that can be manipulated by the user. 
The services in the first list cannot be modified or changed. The services in 
the second list you can enable or disable a service loading at start up, and 
manually start and stop services.

Session Manager:

Here you can configure how you would like KDE to handle sessions. You can 
configure KDE to remember your previous session and restore the applications 
you were using the next time you log in.  You can also specify individual 
applications to exclude from being restored, or disable restoring sessions on 
login entirely. 

Spell Checker:

This module allows you to configure the KDE Spell checker. It allows you to 
modify what spell checker to use, what types of error to check for and also 
what default dictionary to use. KDE supports the use of both ASpell and 

Vim Component Configuration:

This module allows you to configure the use of Vim as an embeddable component. 
You need to have a recent version of Gvim or Kvim installed for this. You can 
configure the appearance of the editor as well as which vim binary to use. 

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