[kde-doc-english] screenshot policy

Lauri Watts lauri at kde.org
Tue Oct 26 00:47:52 CEST 2004

On Monday 25 October 2004 22.21, Jordan Abel wrote:
> items not covered in the "corporate look" policy at
> http://i18n.kde.org/doc/screenshots.php - list follows
> antialiasing (i recommend full non-subpixel)
> font (bitstream vera sans?)
Not suitable for non-english screenshots, and not installed by default nor 
required by KDE.  I'd personally like to use it, but it's definitely a 
problem.  The default font for KDE is still Helvetica as far as I know.

> "small caption bubbles" or not for window decoration
> (i recommend yes, since they fit better in a rectangular image)
> "grab bars" on window decoration

The new recommendation is to not snap the window decoration at all.  It's 
needless visual clutter, for the purposes of most of the screenshots (I'll 
bow to the wisdom of the artists on this one though.)

> (recommend no - they take up space and are ugly)
> shadowed text on window decoration
> (recommend yes, lack of it looks ugly with the color scheme required)
> order of titlebar buttons

All these things can really be quite simply covered by "use the default 

> also, i think the desktop background color should be one other than white -
> no-one has a white background, and it just doesn't _look_ like a desktop -
> standardize on a gray color, perhaps, or a blue/green one.
The reason for the white was to deal with an old keramik bug where the shaped 
windows didn't work correctly.  The previous recommendation pre-keramik was 
to use the default wallpaper, it could be changed back to that (what is the 
default wallpaper these days?).

> icon theme
CrystalSVG (it's the default)

> kicker layout for full desktop shots should be specified?
There is very little reason to be doing full desktop shots in KDE docs, and if 
so, the default layout should be used.
> maybe use plastik window decorations / colors instead of keramik?
If plastik is the default window decoration, that is appropriate, it's up to 
the artists to decide that for sure though.

> toolbar button layout/enabled for various apps
The defaults.

> if you're really serious about making small filesize, you might want to
> pick motifplus or something instead of plastik

Filesize is a secondary goal to consistency.  In fact, snazzy visual 
appearance is secondary to consistency.  

All that's really necessary is "make a new user, in kpersonalizer choose 'kde' 
style, and defaults for all other options.  Take screenshots"  If everyone 
would just do that, but a list of precisely what those defaults actually are 
would in fact be useful.

Lauri Watts
KDE Documentation: http://docs.kde.org
KDE on FreeBSD: http://freebsd.kde.org
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