[kde-doc-english] screenshot policy

Jordan Abel jmabel at purdue.edu
Mon Oct 25 22:21:35 CEST 2004

items not covered in the "corporate look" policy at 
http://i18n.kde.org/doc/screenshots.php - list follows

antialiasing (i recommend full non-subpixel)
font (bitstream vera sans?)
"small caption bubbles" or not for window decoration
(i recommend yes, since they fit better in a rectangular image)
"grab bars" on window decoration
(recommend no - they take up space and are ugly)
shadowed text on window decoration
(recommend yes, lack of it looks ugly with the color scheme required)
order of titlebar buttons

also, i think the desktop background color should be one other than white - 
no-one has a white background, and it just doesn't _look_ like a desktop - 
standardize on a gray color, perhaps, or a blue/green one.

icon theme
kicker layout for full desktop shots should be specified?

maybe use plastik window decorations / colors instead of keramik?

toolbar button layout/enabled for various apps

if you're really serious about making small filesize, you might want to pick 
motifplus or something instead of plastik

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