[kde-doc-english] Searching the documentation : Glossary and index

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Fri May 28 12:42:12 CEST 2004

Dear doc writers,

A KDE user recently reported to me the following problem :

He wanted some scripts to be run at KDE startupt, he knew it was kind of 
possible, but he didn't know how to do that. There is a page 
about .kde/Autostart in the documentation (in the User Guide, "All about your 
desktop" section), but despite his many efforts, he did not find it. There is 
no "Autostart" entry in the glossary. And somehow that's normal, as 
"Autostart" is not really a term that should be explained.

Good documentation is of no use if someone doesn't find in it what he looks 

An index or a good search menu would have solved his problem. Even on 
http://docs.kde.org there's no "search" box. The index is something great in 
KControl, I feel we need the same in KHelpCenter.

Am I missing some point ? If not, any idea on how we could make the 
documentation searchable ?

If there is some piece of code to write, I can do it, but I should first know 
how Coolo would do that ;-).


(veste en coton achetée au Québec - 2001)

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