[kde-doc-english]The oldest docs

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Tue Nov 19 17:57:42 CET 2002

Hi Lauri,

First, I would like to thank you and the whole English team for your help and 
understanding. For the first time, we had a doc freeze, and this has allowed 
us translators to work in much better conditions. Many teams translated the 
doc near to 90% (Swedish, German, French, ..), and many new teams jumped into 
the documentation translation process (Estonian, Slovak, Italian, ...). And 
apart from translation issues, the quality of the docs seems to me as good as 
it has never been.

Second, what happens now? ;-).

The follwing docs declare a last revision date older than two years:

Document		Last update	Version		Current version
							of software

kdeextragear-1/k3b      2000-09-02      0.00.00         0.7.5
kdegraphics/kamera      2000-09-02      0.00.00         none
kdemultimedia/kaboodle  2000-09-02      0.00.00         1.6
kdenetwork/krfb         2000-09-02      0.00.00         1.0
kdesdk/kompare          2000-09-02      0.00.00         2.0

kdebase/links           2000-10-02      1.94.00         3.1
kdeadmin/kdat           2000-10-03      2.00.00         2.0.1
kdebase/visualdict      2000-10-04      2.00.00         3.1
kdeedu/kmathtool        2000-10-08      0.00.00         0.3

(I did not list the docs from kdenonbeta and kdoc)

It would be really cool if some English proofreaders could update those docs 
to match the current software version. If they are already up to date, then i 
it is enough to replace the date and the version to acknowledge that they 
have been verified.

Besides the fact that it's not really cool to provide the users with docs that 
have not been updated for years, why do I need that? Because I would like to 
remove the oldest translations from CVS - not necessarily the translation of 
these same files, by the way.

To do that, I will run a script based on the date in the <date> tag. Some of 
the docs I will remove still come from the ancient times when we used to 
translate directly the docbook files. Of course that makes sense only if the 
original English file is not as outdated as its translation ;-). This is why 
I need your help.

Of course, as the freeze is still preventing everyone from committing files, 
the updated files should be kept on hold until Dirk gives his green light to 
commit again. It should happen within the next days.

What do you think, Lauri? Would that work for you to do that?

Calling their ennemies "terrorists" was the excuse for
the nazis to do whatever violation of the human rights.

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