[kde-doc-english]Re: Printing glossary

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at danka.de
Wed Jun 26 20:39:36 CEST 2002

Thomas Diehl wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2002 19:13 schrieb Kurt Pfeifle:
>>Sorry -- what are PO translations?

As you might guess by now, I am completely dump as far as KDE translations are

> POs are gettext files,

what are gettext files?

> used by KDE translators (in KBabel). For practical 
> reasons, the XML doc files are converted to this PO format

Which ones? The original or the translated ones?

> and then converted 
> back to XML. Big files (like the helpcenter or the kcontrol modules) are 
> split in many small PO files to make them easier to handle. However, we have 
> to provide 100% translations of _all_ the part files. Otherwise the 
> re-conversion to XML won't work.
> IOW: While it is possible to have a partly translated Konqueror GUI it is not 
> possible to have a partly translated Konqueror documentation in a localized 
> KDE. (At least if I understood correctly; I still have not found the time to 
> really grasp the new doc translation system.)

Good. I mean, good, if even you as the translator's "boss" has difficulties
like that. This makes us rank-and-file-rs feel not so inferior...  ;-)

>>I wrote the glossary. I know were to find it in KDE-3. I don't see any
>>relation to any FAQ.
> Yes. Sorry. Shortly after sending the message I realized that the glossary is 
> not part of the FAQ but of another Helpcenter subsection. Nevertheless it is 
> apparently integrated with the other KHelpcenter files

the source was and still is perfectly separate. It is in


which seems to become #include-d as a docbook-entity into the general


by the statement in the index.docbook of..

    <!ENTITY glossary-kdeprinting SYSTEM "kdeprintingglossary.docbook">

I don't know, what that means in relation to translation. Would a simple
German version of the "kdeprintingglossary.docbook" do the job? In that
case there should also be no *technical* problem to include the English version,
or to include a translated version which has only 70% of <glossentries>

> which seems 
> impractical for the above reasons. Probably the question should go to Lauri 
> (or Stephan Kulow if he is back). Don't know who is doing the split up / 
> re-integration work regarding the bigger documents.

With the original it is done by the built system. Dunno about translations.
(Maybe I should install a German KDE and reverse-engineer it...  ;-)

> Sorry about the confusion,
> Thomas

Kurt  [ famous for often contributing more confusion than clarification ]

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