
Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Mon Dec 2 22:45:41 CET 2002

Le Monday 02 December 2002 20:35, Frederik Fouvry a écrit:
> OK, we could do that too.  I don't have a strong view where what
> is defined, and fewer files are probably better. 


> Enforcing the
> use of the entities is technically not possible, but one can
> "raise awareness" considerably by putting them in one file as you
> say.


>  (I liked the French setup with entities per location where
> they were to be used (CREDIT/ROLE).)

It makes translating very easy, indeed.

> There is no point in making authors, programmers etc. language
> specific, as that would be quite a duplication of definitions, so
> we do need one global contributor entities file and one
> language-specific one.  "Global" just means that every other
> language would include it (and the editors team would maintain
> that).

I'm not sure of what you mean. Could you specify the names of the files, and 
what kind of data you expect to be in them ?

Please remark that &Eric.Bischoff.relecteur; _is_ language-specific, because 
of the <contrib> tag, which is translated.... unless <contrib> uses an entity 
that is in turn localized by every team:

<!ENTITY Eric.Bischoff.proofreader '<othercredit role="reviewer">
&Eric.Bischoff; &Eric.Bischoff.email;
</othercredit>' >

where &proofreader; resolves to "Relecture de la traduction française" in 

In that case the entity name should be international:

Would that setup be okay for you ? If yes, as you seem to have a preference 
for a centralized file, it would work with me too. (I did not want a 
centralized file as there were things to translate like <contrib>. But I did 
not think about that entity trick in the first place. So I changed my mind).

> The setup is more complicated for people who are both translators
> and authors, but there's nothing that can be done about it (I
> think), except commenting the fact in the files (which is VERY
> helpful - hint, hint ;-).  XML will only use one definition, and
> as usual I will set it up so that the global one wins.

Again, let's agree in detail about what we put and where.

> Well, if someone would like to sit down and do some
> XSL/perl/... magic, that'd be very nice indeed! ;-)

I can do a bit of XSLT, I guess.

Also, speaking about the transition, we have to plan something transitional 
for the French and the Dutch. Perharps some mappings like:
<!ENTITY relecteurEricBischoff "&Eric.Bischoff.proofreader;" >

> OK, I agree that all languages should use the same system for the
> contributors.

Cool ;-). That was my main point.

Should we switch to private email for the details? I think that Lauri agrees 
on the general principle, and we are starting to clutter that list.

Journalist: "What do you think about occidental civilization?"
Gandhi: "That would be an excellent idea."

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